Viruses can easily spread through USB or Pen Drives. Most viruses like ’Ravmon’ , ‘New Folder.exe’, etc are spreading through these Flash Drives. These Viruses are hard to delete even for the Best anti virus applications. So only option is to remove Virus from USB drives Manually , Here is the procedure you have to follow..
Never Open the USB drive directly through the Auto Play Feature. Scan the USB drive for viruses by using your anti virus application. If you find any viruses in that scan, Eliminate them.
After that, Open the Command Prompt by typing ‘cmd‘ in the run box. In the command prompt type the drive letter: and press enter . Now type dir /w/a and press enter.
Check whether the list displayed contains the below given files.
Autorun.inf, Ravmon.exe, New Folder.exe, svchost.exe, Heap41a or any other exe file which may be suspicious.
If you encounter any of the above files, then probably the USB drive is infected. Now to delete the virus files manually..
1. Go to command prompt type attrib -r -a -s -h *.* and press enter. This will remove the Read Only, Archive, System and hidden file attribute from all the files.
2. Now just delete the files using the command del filename. example del Ravmon.exe.
3. Delete all the files that are suspicious.
4. To be on a safer side, just scan the USB drive with an anti virus program to check whether it is free of virus or not.
5. Now remove the drive and plug it again. In most of the cases, the real culprit turns out to be the “Autorun.inf” file which mostly gets executed when someone clicks Ok in the dialog window which appears in Auto Play.
Note : To protect yourself from Virus, Disable the Autoplay feature of USB drives. If you disable the Autoplay feature of USB drives, then there are lesser chances of the virus spreading in your computer. A tool which can perform such a function is Tweak UI.
Monday, 23 March 2009
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Cheats for Age of Mythology
DIVINE INTERVENTION Allows you to use a previously used god power
FEAR THE FORAGE Animates berry bushes
IN DARKEST NIGHT Changes the game time to night
L33T SUPA H4X0R Fast (sometimes instant on most units and buildings) construction, research and training
ENGINEERED GRAIN Fatten herd animals
ATM OF EREBUS Gives you 1000 Gold
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! Gives you a bunch of monkeys
BAWK BAWK BOOM Gives you a chicken-meteor god power
WUV WOO Gives you a flying purple hippo
TINES OF POWER Gives you a forkboy
O CANADA Gives you a lazer bear
PANDORAS BOX Gives you several random god powers
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA Gives you the heroes from the campaign
WRATH OF THE GODS Gives you the Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado god powers
LETS GO! NOW! (Note: two spaces after GO!) Increase Game Speed
RED TIDE Makes the water red
SET ASCENDANT Reveals all the animals on map
CHANNEL SURFING Skips to the next scenario in the campaign
GOATUNHEIM Transforms everyone into Goats (note: your hero dies because of this)
DIVINE INTERVENTION Allows you to use a previously used god power
FEAR THE FORAGE Animates berry bushes
IN DARKEST NIGHT Changes the game time to night
L33T SUPA H4X0R Fast (sometimes instant on most units and buildings) construction, research and training
ENGINEERED GRAIN Fatten herd animals
ATM OF EREBUS Gives you 1000 Gold
I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! Gives you a bunch of monkeys
BAWK BAWK BOOM Gives you a chicken-meteor god power
WUV WOO Gives you a flying purple hippo
TINES OF POWER Gives you a forkboy
O CANADA Gives you a lazer bear
PANDORAS BOX Gives you several random god powers
ISIS HEAR MY PLEA Gives you the heroes from the campaign
WRATH OF THE GODS Gives you the Lightning Storm, Earthquake, Meteor and Tornado god powers
LETS GO! NOW! (Note: two spaces after GO!) Increase Game Speed
RED TIDE Makes the water red
SET ASCENDANT Reveals all the animals on map
CHANNEL SURFING Skips to the next scenario in the campaign
GOATUNHEIM Transforms everyone into Goats (note: your hero dies because of this)
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Windows RUN Commands you may not know
Here are some Windows RUN Commands which can be used to start applications from the RUN. In windows XP or Vista Run can be invoked either by selecting it from the START menu or by Pressing Windows key + R. You can try these commands to simplify your computing experience and also to run different applications which require a lot of searching.I have classified commands based on their type into 4 parts like Applications,Control Panel, Administration, Utilities
calc - Starts Calculator
excel - Starts Microsoft Excel
explorer - Starts Windows Explorer
firefox - Starts Firefox if installed
iexplore - Internet Explorer
mobsync - Starts Microsoft Sychronization Tool
msimn - Outlook Express
mspaint - Starts Microsoft Paint
notepad - Starts Notepad
outlook - Starts Microsoft Outlook
powerpnt - Starts Microsoft PowerPoint
wab - Starts Windows Address Book
winchat - Starts Microsoft Chat
winword - Starts Microsoft Word
wordpad - Starts Wordpad
Control Panel
appwiz.cpl - Starts Add or Remove Programs
control - Starts the Control Panel
control desktop - Opens Display Properties
control folders - Opens Folder Options
control fonts - Opens Fonts
control mouse - Opens Mouse settings
control netconnections - Opens Network Connections
control schedtasks - Opens Scheduled Tasks
control userpasswords - Opens Users Accounts
firewall.cpl - Starts Windows Firewall
mmsys.cpl - Starts Sound and Audio Device Properties
netsetup.cpl - Starts Network Setup Wizard
powercfg.cpl - Starts Power Options Properties
sysdm.cpl - Opens System Properties
wuaucpl.cpl - Starts Windows Updates
ciadv.msc - Opens Indexing Service
compmgmt.msc - Opens Computer Management
devmgmt.msc - Opens Device Manager
diskmgmt.msc - Opens Disk Management
eventvwr.msc - Opens Event Viewer
fsmgmt.msc - Opens Shared Folders Management
gpedit.msc - Starts Group Policy Editor
ntmsmgr.msc - Opens Removable Storage Management
perfmon.msc - Opens Performance Monitor
secpol.msc - Opens Security Policies
services.msc - Opens Services Management
chkdsk - Runs Check Disk (eg. chkdsk c:)
clipbrd - Opens Clipboard Viewer
cmd - Starts a Command Prompt window
diskpart - Runs Microsoft Disk Partitioning tool
drwtsn32 - Runs Dr. Watson Debugger
dxdiag - Runs DirectX Diagnostic Tool
eudcedit - Starts Private Character Editor
fsquirt - Runs Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
logoff - Logs off user from Windows
msconfig - Starts System Configuration Utility
mstsc - Starts Remote Desktop Connection
osk - Starts On Screen Keyboard
packager - Opens packager
regedit - Starts Registry Editor
shutdown - Runs Windows shutdown command
taskmgr - Runs Task Manager
tourstart - Starts Windows Tour
You can share any other shortcuts you know which are not listed in this list. Have fun using these commands..!
calc - Starts Calculator
excel - Starts Microsoft Excel
explorer - Starts Windows Explorer
firefox - Starts Firefox if installed
iexplore - Internet Explorer
mobsync - Starts Microsoft Sychronization Tool
msimn - Outlook Express
mspaint - Starts Microsoft Paint
notepad - Starts Notepad
outlook - Starts Microsoft Outlook
powerpnt - Starts Microsoft PowerPoint
wab - Starts Windows Address Book
winchat - Starts Microsoft Chat
winword - Starts Microsoft Word
wordpad - Starts Wordpad
Control Panel
appwiz.cpl - Starts Add or Remove Programs
control - Starts the Control Panel
control desktop - Opens Display Properties
control folders - Opens Folder Options
control fonts - Opens Fonts
control mouse - Opens Mouse settings
control netconnections - Opens Network Connections
control schedtasks - Opens Scheduled Tasks
control userpasswords - Opens Users Accounts
firewall.cpl - Starts Windows Firewall
mmsys.cpl - Starts Sound and Audio Device Properties
netsetup.cpl - Starts Network Setup Wizard
powercfg.cpl - Starts Power Options Properties
sysdm.cpl - Opens System Properties
wuaucpl.cpl - Starts Windows Updates
ciadv.msc - Opens Indexing Service
compmgmt.msc - Opens Computer Management
devmgmt.msc - Opens Device Manager
diskmgmt.msc - Opens Disk Management
eventvwr.msc - Opens Event Viewer
fsmgmt.msc - Opens Shared Folders Management
gpedit.msc - Starts Group Policy Editor
ntmsmgr.msc - Opens Removable Storage Management
perfmon.msc - Opens Performance Monitor
secpol.msc - Opens Security Policies
services.msc - Opens Services Management
chkdsk - Runs Check Disk (eg. chkdsk c:)
clipbrd - Opens Clipboard Viewer
cmd - Starts a Command Prompt window
diskpart - Runs Microsoft Disk Partitioning tool
drwtsn32 - Runs Dr. Watson Debugger
dxdiag - Runs DirectX Diagnostic Tool
eudcedit - Starts Private Character Editor
fsquirt - Runs Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
logoff - Logs off user from Windows
msconfig - Starts System Configuration Utility
mstsc - Starts Remote Desktop Connection
osk - Starts On Screen Keyboard
packager - Opens packager
regedit - Starts Registry Editor
shutdown - Runs Windows shutdown command
taskmgr - Runs Task Manager
tourstart - Starts Windows Tour
You can share any other shortcuts you know which are not listed in this list. Have fun using these commands..!
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Changing default Yahoo! language from German to English
My cousin is spending quite a bit of time in South America, and he wants to change his Yahoo! Mail account to display user interface elements in Spanish instead of English. He asked me for help, and sure enough, there was nothing useful at the Yahoo! Mail Help site. I tried it out on my account, and these are the steps I had to go through to get it to work:
When you go to Yahoo! Mail, at the top of the screen next to the Yahoo! logo, you'll see a link that says "My Account". Click that link.
The next page says "Review My Account Information" and it has a section entitled "Member Information", right below the Name/Yahoo ID, Yahoo Mail Address/Password section. Click the "Edit" link to the right of the "Member Information" to go to the next page.
This page should say "Edit Member Information for: johnsmith" at the top. The third section says "General Preferences". It says "Preferred Content: Yahoo! U.S.". Click the "Yahoo! U.S." link.
On this page, find the "New Setting" pull-down menu and pick the choice you want ("Yahoo! U.S. in Spanish" or "Yahoo Argentina" or whatever). Click the "Finished" button.
Accept the new terms of service (which should be displayed in Spanish) by clicking the "Accepto" button.
Click the "Terminado" button to complete everything and go back to Yahoo Mail. It should be displayed in Spanish now.
It's good that you're able to do this (I imagine that some webmail sites won't let you change your language preference at all after registering) but it shouldn't be this hard.
When you go to Yahoo! Mail, at the top of the screen next to the Yahoo! logo, you'll see a link that says "My Account". Click that link.
The next page says "Review My Account Information" and it has a section entitled "Member Information", right below the Name/Yahoo ID, Yahoo Mail Address/Password section. Click the "Edit" link to the right of the "Member Information" to go to the next page.
This page should say "Edit Member Information for: johnsmith" at the top. The third section says "General Preferences". It says "Preferred Content: Yahoo! U.S.". Click the "Yahoo! U.S." link.
On this page, find the "New Setting" pull-down menu and pick the choice you want ("Yahoo! U.S. in Spanish" or "Yahoo Argentina" or whatever). Click the "Finished" button.
Accept the new terms of service (which should be displayed in Spanish) by clicking the "Accepto" button.
Click the "Terminado" button to complete everything and go back to Yahoo Mail. It should be displayed in Spanish now.
It's good that you're able to do this (I imagine that some webmail sites won't let you change your language preference at all after registering) but it shouldn't be this hard.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Take care of YOUR computer
How to prolong laptop battery life
Q: Laptop batteries - when used in an office should they be left on charge all the time, or discharged regularly?
A: All laptop batteries have a finite life, typically 3 to 4 years and I will give guidelines to prolong the current lithium-ion batteries.
As the lithium-ion batteries do not have any memory effect, frequent full discharges should be avoided as this shortens the battery life. Leaving the battery constantly on charge is also not a good idea. The best solution to prolong the battery life, although not a really practical one, is to remove the battery and run just from the mains. Unfortunately there is a problem with this method. In the case of a power failure and if you are not running off a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) you will lose your open files and may cause disk corruption, just as with a desktop when the lights go out. If you do decide to store the battery then it should not be fully charged but left at about half capacity for best results.
Another important factor that is detrimental to long life is heat. The worst combination is to keep the battery fully charged at a high temperature and this is something that happens regularly. It is best not buy spare lithium-ion batteries initially for later use, but if you have a spare then keep it in a cool place at half charge.
Moving My Documents
Q: Can you tell me is it possible to change the location of My Documents to another drive?
A: This is quite easily done by using Windows Explorer. Right-click on My Documents and select Properties and under the Target Folder Location click on the Move button and you will be given a choice of where you wish to have your documents.
Duplicates in Excel
Q: I have an Excel 2003 worksheet with a column containing over 12,000 numbers, entered manually. Every number must be unique, i.e. no duplicates. Does a procedure or function exist for Excel that locates duplicate numbers within a column?
A: I am not aware of an existing function but this is very easy to achieve with one simple IF statement. Start by sorting on the column containing your numbers and for this exercise I assume that they are in column A. In cell B2 enter this formula =IF(A1=A2,"Duplicate","") and copy it down to every cell to B12000. What this IF statement will do is to write Duplicate next to a cell that has an identical number above it and leave a blank if the numbers are not identical.
Then click on Data, Filter, AutoFilter and in the B column select to show only the cells that contain the word Duplicate.
Registry Cleaners
Q: George, can you recommend a registry cleaner please, preferably a freebie?
A: Do you have a reason as to why you need it? Some free Registry analysing programs give potentially alarming reports hoping you will purchase their product. If your system is stable I suggest that you do not purchase a registry cleaner program. There is a very small risk that a registry cleaner program may cause problems that currently do not exist.
Microsoft previously had a free registry cleaner program but it was removed from their website some years ago without stating any reasons. It could be that even Microsoft cannot give a 100% guarantee that it works perfectly in all situations. In their knowledge base there is an article referring to a problem caused by one particular registry cleaner that prevented Windows from starting, and also references to erroneous listings generated by other programs.
Having given a lot of reasons why you should not purchase a registry cleaner, I ran one such program on my test computer after it reported several hundred errors. I checked several dozen manually to find they were all referring to either removed or obsolete programs. My registry file was about 70 MB when exported it came to over 12,000 pages of text when opened in Word. After running the program it stated that all problems were fixed. The size of the registry was reduced by a small fraction of 1%. Running benchmarks before and after showed no difference in performance.
In the case of registry cleaners, I would apply the old saying, If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, but I am happy to hear from readers who have other views on this matter.
Q: Laptop batteries - when used in an office should they be left on charge all the time, or discharged regularly?
A: All laptop batteries have a finite life, typically 3 to 4 years and I will give guidelines to prolong the current lithium-ion batteries.
As the lithium-ion batteries do not have any memory effect, frequent full discharges should be avoided as this shortens the battery life. Leaving the battery constantly on charge is also not a good idea. The best solution to prolong the battery life, although not a really practical one, is to remove the battery and run just from the mains. Unfortunately there is a problem with this method. In the case of a power failure and if you are not running off a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) you will lose your open files and may cause disk corruption, just as with a desktop when the lights go out. If you do decide to store the battery then it should not be fully charged but left at about half capacity for best results.
Another important factor that is detrimental to long life is heat. The worst combination is to keep the battery fully charged at a high temperature and this is something that happens regularly. It is best not buy spare lithium-ion batteries initially for later use, but if you have a spare then keep it in a cool place at half charge.
Moving My Documents
Q: Can you tell me is it possible to change the location of My Documents to another drive?
A: This is quite easily done by using Windows Explorer. Right-click on My Documents and select Properties and under the Target Folder Location click on the Move button and you will be given a choice of where you wish to have your documents.
Duplicates in Excel
Q: I have an Excel 2003 worksheet with a column containing over 12,000 numbers, entered manually. Every number must be unique, i.e. no duplicates. Does a procedure or function exist for Excel that locates duplicate numbers within a column?
A: I am not aware of an existing function but this is very easy to achieve with one simple IF statement. Start by sorting on the column containing your numbers and for this exercise I assume that they are in column A. In cell B2 enter this formula =IF(A1=A2,"Duplicate","") and copy it down to every cell to B12000. What this IF statement will do is to write Duplicate next to a cell that has an identical number above it and leave a blank if the numbers are not identical.
Then click on Data, Filter, AutoFilter and in the B column select to show only the cells that contain the word Duplicate.
Registry Cleaners
Q: George, can you recommend a registry cleaner please, preferably a freebie?
A: Do you have a reason as to why you need it? Some free Registry analysing programs give potentially alarming reports hoping you will purchase their product. If your system is stable I suggest that you do not purchase a registry cleaner program. There is a very small risk that a registry cleaner program may cause problems that currently do not exist.
Microsoft previously had a free registry cleaner program but it was removed from their website some years ago without stating any reasons. It could be that even Microsoft cannot give a 100% guarantee that it works perfectly in all situations. In their knowledge base there is an article referring to a problem caused by one particular registry cleaner that prevented Windows from starting, and also references to erroneous listings generated by other programs.
Having given a lot of reasons why you should not purchase a registry cleaner, I ran one such program on my test computer after it reported several hundred errors. I checked several dozen manually to find they were all referring to either removed or obsolete programs. My registry file was about 70 MB when exported it came to over 12,000 pages of text when opened in Word. After running the program it stated that all problems were fixed. The size of the registry was reduced by a small fraction of 1%. Running benchmarks before and after showed no difference in performance.
In the case of registry cleaners, I would apply the old saying, If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, but I am happy to hear from readers who have other views on this matter.
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