Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Windows RUN Commands you may not know

Here are some Windows RUN Commands which can be used to start applications from the RUN. In windows XP or Vista Run can be invoked either by selecting it from the START menu or by Pressing Windows key + R. You can try these commands to simplify your computing experience and also to run different applications which require a lot of searching.I have classified commands based on their type into 4 parts like Applications,Control Panel, Administration, Utilities

calc - Starts Calculator
excel - Starts Microsoft Excel
explorer - Starts Windows Explorer
firefox - Starts Firefox if installed
iexplore - Internet Explorer
mobsync - Starts Microsoft Sychronization Tool
msimn - Outlook Express
mspaint - Starts Microsoft Paint
notepad - Starts Notepad
outlook - Starts Microsoft Outlook
powerpnt - Starts Microsoft PowerPoint
wab - Starts Windows Address Book
winchat - Starts Microsoft Chat
winword - Starts Microsoft Word
wordpad - Starts Wordpad

Control Panel
appwiz.cpl - Starts Add or Remove Programs
control - Starts the Control Panel
control desktop - Opens Display Properties
control folders - Opens Folder Options
control fonts - Opens Fonts
control mouse - Opens Mouse settings
control netconnections - Opens Network Connections
control schedtasks - Opens Scheduled Tasks
control userpasswords - Opens Users Accounts
firewall.cpl - Starts Windows Firewall
mmsys.cpl - Starts Sound and Audio Device Properties
netsetup.cpl - Starts Network Setup Wizard
powercfg.cpl - Starts Power Options Properties
sysdm.cpl - Opens System Properties
wuaucpl.cpl - Starts Windows Updates

ciadv.msc - Opens Indexing Service
compmgmt.msc - Opens Computer Management
devmgmt.msc - Opens Device Manager
diskmgmt.msc - Opens Disk Management
eventvwr.msc - Opens Event Viewer
fsmgmt.msc - Opens Shared Folders Management
gpedit.msc - Starts Group Policy Editor
ntmsmgr.msc - Opens Removable Storage Management
perfmon.msc - Opens Performance Monitor
secpol.msc - Opens Security Policies
services.msc - Opens Services Management

chkdsk - Runs Check Disk (eg. chkdsk c:)
clipbrd - Opens Clipboard Viewer
cmd - Starts a Command Prompt window
diskpart - Runs Microsoft Disk Partitioning tool
drwtsn32 - Runs Dr. Watson Debugger
dxdiag - Runs DirectX Diagnostic Tool
eudcedit - Starts Private Character Editor
fsquirt - Runs Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
logoff - Logs off user from Windows
msconfig - Starts System Configuration Utility
mstsc - Starts Remote Desktop Connection
osk - Starts On Screen Keyboard
packager - Opens packager
regedit - Starts Registry Editor
shutdown - Runs Windows shutdown command
taskmgr - Runs Task Manager
tourstart - Starts Windows Tour

You can share any other shortcuts you know which are not listed in this list. Have fun using these commands..!

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