Tuesday, 10 February 2009

How to Hide Hard Drive Partitions

In order to protect your data from others there are many ways like preventing access to your drives by locking them with the help of a software or you can even lock the folders without using a software so that others can’t open them. Another method is hiding your drives partitions which will make your drives invisible. Here is a cool technique which hides entire hard disk drive partitions by a simple procedure without using Registry editor i.e., regedit.

The procedure just involves some very simple command line prompts which will be as follows:

1. Go to Start > Run and type diskpart. A DOS window will appear with following description. DISKPART>

2. Then type list volume

3. Suppose you want to hide drive E:, type select volume 3.

4. A message will now appear in the window saying “Volume 3 is the selected volume”.

5. Now type remove letter E. You may have to reboot the computer.

Diskpart will remove the letter. Since Windows XP doesn’t have the capability to identify the unknown volume, it won’t display or show results from it. To access the contents of the hidden drive, repeat the process, but in the fourth step, replace remove to assign, i.e., assign letter E.

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